Three Tips for Creating a Conducive Workspace at Home

Posted: 09.14.2021
Some people may be heading back into the office post-COVID-19, but for many people, working from home or a hybrid setup is here to stay.

So how do you create an office space that works for you? Below we have three tips on how you can transform your space that’s suitable for your nine to five.

1. Is your space set up for functionality?
When you’re looking at setting up your space, think of what you want to get out of the space. Do you have a lot of files to store? Do you need a wide desk for dual monitors? Do you need a whiteboard to help you brainstorm ideas? Take time to think of what you really need in your office – this can help to avoid clutter.

2. Pay attention to the colour scheme of your space.
Brands pay so much attention to colour psychology for a reason. Colours have a way of stimulating creativity or calming your brain. To optimize your workspace, choose your colour scheme carefully. Avoid heavy colours and distracting patterns.

3. What’s the lighting like?
This can be something that’s overlooked a lot, but it can really impact your space and how you work. Natural lighting is great to have throughout the day but ensure you’re settled in a spot that doesn’t have too much glare from the window. Getting the best light during virtual meetings and conferences can also ensure you look your best too.

For more career tips and advice, you can watch all our videos on our YouTube Channel here.

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